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Bee decline started to become a major problem in 2006. It is becoming a big problem throughout the whole nation, and the world but the states in the U.S. that are most affected are the honey states, which are North and South Dakota, Montana, Minnesota, and Iowa. These states are the most affected in our nation because of the long, harsh winters. 


Bees are a crucial part of our ecosystem today. Thirty percent of the world's food supply is dependent on their pollination. Without bees to pollinate our crops and other plants, we would have to pollinate by hand, which is very labor intensive and expensive.


Our life is dependent on bees.  About four hundred different types of plants depend on bees, so they can grow. Annually, thirty percent to ninety percent of the bee colonies die off. If all of the bees were killed by bee decline, none of these plants would be able to grow. Wildlife also depends on the bees. They depend on them because animals eat plants, and the plants won't grow without the help of bee pollination.

Background of Bee Decline

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