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National Solutions:

1) Raise money for a national organization:

Raising money for a national organization, such as Pollinator Partnership would help raise awareness for the topic of bee decline. Pollinator Partnership is a non-profit group that is raising awareness about bees and other pollinators. The group said, “The Pollinator Partnership’s mission is to promote the health of pollinators critical to food and ecosystems through conservation, education and research.” This group is also promoting bee safe gardens being made at your school, in your community, and at your house. Donating to a national organization would also allow the group to research more on why the bees, and other pollinators are dying at such a fast rate.


Global Solutions:

1) Create an Instagram page:

Creating an Instagram page on our topic of bee decline would help raise awareness for the problem. We could post tips on how to help the bees. For example, we could promote gardens being built, and promote bee safe yards. We could also tell people to stop spraying their yards with chemicals and fertilizers, because they are one of the major causes of bee decline. These examples could show other people around the world what they can do for the bees. Since bee decline is a worldwide issue, telling people about the ways to help bees on Instagram would allow many people on a global scale see what they can do to help. On our Instagram page, we will also have our followers post what they are doing to save the bees. Creating this instagram page would help raise awareness worldwide on why bee decline is such an important issue.


       Follow us on Instagram @tonkasavesbees

National/Global Solutions

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