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There are many causes for bee decline. The main causes include pesticides, diseases, climate change, and habitat loss. All of these causes have the same end result. They kill bees by making them sick, which in turn can lead to weakened immune systems. This can make the bees more susceptible to other potentially fatal diseases. In addition, the causes mentioned above influence the bees by stripping them of their food sources, and removing the one place where they have a chance for survival.

Causes of bee decline in Minnesota:
There are many causes of bee decline in Minnesota, but there is one cause that Minnesota is most affected by today and that is pesticides. Most of the pesticides used for farming in Minnesota are harmful to bees and other pollinators, but the most harmful pesticides are neonicotinoids. There are many other causes of bee decline in Minnesota, but pesticides are the most common, and impactful.

Causes of bee decline in the U.S:
Many factors are causing bee decline in the U.S. Some of these factors include pesticides, habitat loss, and diseases such as mites. When all of these problems are working together, they create an environment in which it is almost impossible for a bee to survive in. Bees would not be declining at such a rapid pace if some of these factors were eliminated. All of these causes to bee decline are deadly to our nation's bee population.

Causes of bee decline worldwide:
Bee decline on a worldly scale is a combination of many causes that different parts of the world are experiencing. Depending on the location of a certain area around the world, the causes may vary. Many of the causes are similar, but there are a few differences. Overall the most impactful causes include climate change, habitat loss, disease, and pesticides. These causes affect most places around the world, but there are a few exceptions. For example, Australia is now mite free, so they are not affected as greatly by diseases. 

Causes and Effects of Bee Decline

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