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Countries Solutions:
The countries we have researched have each attempted to combat bee decline in their own original ways. Australia took the technological approach. They created miniature trackers to place on the backs of bees. These trackers are used to examine how bees react to their changing environments. The United States has taken three very different routes. They have started to create more bee-friendly federal land around the country as well as spending more money on research and limiting the use of pesticides in agricultural farming. Chile has tried other approaches. One of their solutions was named "Plan Bee". "Plan bee" is convincing Chile's citizens to plant bee-friendly gardens. This will help the bees in their country survive, by giving them more food sources, and a place where they can inhabit.

Local, National, and Global Solutions:

We have come up with many solutions on a local, national, and global scale to try to combat bee decline. From constructing bee friendly gardens to creating an Instagram page, and so much more, our solutions will help give bees a chance of survival. They will also help create awareness for this major problem affecting our world on many scales.


Solutions to Bee Decline

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