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Farmers are in a hard situation when thinking about bee decline. They need to grow their food as efficiently as possible, but also need the bees to pollinate their crops. To grow their crops fast, and as easy as possible, they need to use pesticides on their plants. It makes their food grow faster, and larger. This will allow the farmer to grow more food, which will increase their income. Farmers also need bees to pollinate their crops, but the pesticides they are using are killing the bees. Neonicotinoids, one of most common pesticides used in commercial farming is a major cause of bee decline. It has been banned in other areas around the world like Europe, and the countries are already seeing their bee colonies bounce back. This shows how serious the use of pesticides is in bee decline. Farmers need both bees and pesticides to grow their crops. If farmers don’t stop their use of pesticides, the bees will die, which will lower the farmers’ production of crops.


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